It’s Us, not Them

It’s Us, not Them

It was ten to 11 PM when the lights went out. Close your eyes. Yes, that kind of darkness. Like that Kenya Power rogue monkey had cut off power. A cough here. A whistle there. A glass shattering. The parabola of tension. The air was heavy, as if there were too much of...
Mine was an ordinary dad, but his influence was great

Mine was an ordinary dad, but his influence was great

Nobody needs to tell me, but I know when Mother’s Day is approaching. I usually have an Instagram-worthy caption that will accompany the flattering photo I post of my mother when she was a jeune fille, a young lass, before I destroyed her mental health with the kind...
How To Bury a Comrade

How To Bury a Comrade

The first thing to understand when laying down a comrade to rest is that a comrade never rests. They give up the ghost. They kufa. They chew. But they don’t rest. And a comrade is never buried when the sun is at high noon. No. It has to rain. Because rain is the tears...
Nairobi, Nairoberry, KaNairo

Nairobi, Nairoberry, KaNairo

7. Akili mjini, nguvu kijijini. Tack that on your walls—and tattooed in your brain. 12. Nairobi is an expensive city—14th overall in Africa. You wake up hivi and KSh. 2,000 is gone. That is the rate to wake up in this city. Nairobi is a designer label sewn into a...
It’s Time to talk about Kunyonga Monkey in Men

It’s Time to talk about Kunyonga Monkey in Men

So…my English teacher (teacher of English?) is one of those people who made it a criminal offense to start a sentence, much less a paragraph with ‘so..’. I never understood why. The thing is—from a writer’s point of view—is that you can use that word only once (maybe...

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